Jay Schroeder
I'm a creative developer, primarily focused on generating complex front-end applications. VueJS is my framework of choice, though I'm proficient with React and plain JavaScript as well.
I love solving complex problems and creating highly interactive webapps. My most recent experience has been creating cross-platform medical device mobile applications, and building a web ui for monitoring and dispatching grid-scale renewable energy resources.
Front End
- Vue
- React
- Ionic
- JavaScript
Back End
- Node
- Express
- JSDoc
- Socket.io
- Sass
- TypeScript
- Git
- Bluetooth
- Cordova
Personal Projects
Understanding Mezcal
a mezcal reference app
A companion guide to my book, this first-of-it's kind app provides a detailed, interactive reference guide to the world of mezcal.
Available in the App Store and in the Google Play store.
Digital Dash
real-time automotive data logging
Click the screen to interact
The gauge screen provides real-time readout of the car's vitals using Google gauge displays
Tapping on the readout displays shows or hides the corresponding line
Tapping the moon icon toggles dark mode for night driving
A rolling data chart allows the driver to see the vitals of the car during runs, when they're otherwise focused on driving

Designed for the specific demands of the motorsport drifting, this open-source digital dash project allows the user to monitor their car's vitals. A traditional gauge display allows for in-the-moment monitoring, while a graph display shows short-term data logging for when the car is under extreme stress and the driver otherwise occupied with, well, driving.